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Volunteer Spotlight – It’s About Family
BY admin IN Volunteer Stories On 17-09-2014
Eight-year-old Trianna is happy to show you the “Community” badge that she earned in Brownies for her volunteer efforts with Meals on Wheels. She has been delivering meals with her parents since she was six years old. “I like helping senior citizens,” she says, “I feel good inside.”
Parents Tina and Sean feel good about being able to find a volunteer project that works for their whole family. It was important to them to find an opportunity to teach their daughter about giving back to her community.
For nearly 2 years now the family delivers meals together every other Sunday over the lunch hour, and they don’t intend to stop any time soon. “We’re attached to the people on our route now. We didn’t expect that.” says mom Tina.
They didn’t expect Mrs. P to fall in love with their daughter, or Mrs. M to give her chips once in a while, or to discover that Mr. K had turned vegetarian just like they did and now they exchange recipes! What started out as delivering a hot meal to a stranger in need has turned into delivering dinner to a friend.
All around the city, Meals on Wheels volunteers are delivering more than nutritious food, they are reminding their neighbours that someone cares. And for seniors who don’t get out much, there is something extra special about a visit from a child. Trianna knows this all too well. She has made some new friends and she knows that they are waiting for her on Sundays.
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