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Still Driving

Still Driving

BY IN Volunteer Stories On 17-09-2014

The folks who know me over the past three years know I suffer from some health concerns that are getting progressively worse.

This is making it difficult to commit to anything. I had contemplated quitting Meals on Wheels volunteering. This was a tough decision for me because I really like volunteering. It’s one of the things I look forward to every day.

My dad received meals for many a year when he was taking care of mom. When I deliver I feel closer to my dad who has passed away. In speaking to the volunteer coordinators they made it clear that they wanted me to continue driving and will do all they can to make sure I am backed up if I am unable to deliver meals that day.

This they have done. I thank them from my heart. Knowing they are there to help makes it easier throughout the drives. It is because of them I am able to meet the other volunteers at the loading zones and also meet the clients every day. I appreciate this.

Thank you and may God bless.

Submitted by Keith


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